An implementation of a simple ray tracer adapted from Peter Shirley’s book Ray Tracing in One Weekend.
This is an implementation of a simple ray tracer adapted from Peter Shirley’s book Ray Tracing in One Weekend. The current implementation runs on single thread and performs iterative rendering to refine the result. Typically, a high quality image can be achieved after around 100 iterations. In addition, a new scene can be easily generated to overwrite the current scene by a keyboard shortcut.
Magnum example page with more description
Code (github) from Magnum repository
Windows binary
WebGL Demo
Thanks Vladimír Vondruš for building the awesome WebGL application. This is part of Magnum graphics engine showcase. Note that this WebGL demo requires WebAssembly-capable browser with WebGL enabled.
* Mouse drag
rotates the camera
* Shift + mouse drag
pans the camera
* Mouse wheel
zooms in/out
* R
resets the camera to its original transformation
* D
toggles depth-of-field rendering
* M
toggles marking the next render block by a different color
* N
generates a new random scene
* Space
pauses/resumes rendering